How To Manage Your PPC Campaign For Better AdWords ROI

I am an advocate and firm believer of learning new things.

Whether it is a new language, ways to remember people’s names, or learning how to tell a captivating story – learning new things keeps you motivated, gives you a sense of accomplishment, challenges and helps keep the mind sharp.

With the career path I chose, forcing yourself to learn is unavoidable; things are forever evolving in the search marketing world. For example, Google might make one change to keyword match types one minute, and then the next change their minds.

You need to continually learn if you want to excel in search marketing.

Ways That We Learn

We all learn in unique and different styles and research suggests there are seven ways we learn:

Linguistic Words & Language
Logical-Mathematical Logic & Numbers
MusicalMusic, Sound, Rhythm
Bodily-Kinesthetic Body Movement Control
Spatial-VisualImages & Space
InterpersonalOther People’s Feelings

One interpersonal way of learning is from your past. Nobody enjoys making mistakes, but unless you spend your life living under a rock, cowering from every new experience; you are going to make the odd mistake or two.

An old Norwegian proverb states:

   “Experience is the best teacher, but the tuition is high.”

With Google AdWords management this proverb certainly rings true.

Learning From My Past AdWords Mistakes

Making mistakes in AdWords can prove to be a very expensive exercise. So instead of making these mistakes yourself – you can learn from mine instead. All these PPC mistakes are common errors people make when starting out in managing a Google AdWords campaign themselves. I encourage you to read the following posts below and learn for yourself twelve practices you should avoid if you want to run a successful and profitable PPC campaign.

12 Google AdWords Tips For A More Profitable PPC Campaign

Note: These tips are all external links to a series of posts I wrote over at Apex Internet.

You might want to bookmark ( CTRL + D ) this page as a reference for later.

3 Costly Adwords Mistakes That Are Wasting You Money

  • Bidding On Broad Match
  • Not Using Negatives
  • Not Grouping Based on Location

3 More Beginner PPC Mistakes With Adwords

  • Failing to Setup Conversion Tracking
  • Poor Grouping Of Keywords In Ad Groups
  • Not Separating Search & Display Campaign Settings

3 More Common PPC Mistakes

  • Increasing Bids Instead of Quality Score
  • Choosing The Wrong Keywords
  • Not Using Landing Pages Correctly

3 Final Google Adwords Pitfalls To Avoid

  • Not Testing Your Ad Copy
  • Using Automatic Bidding
  • Not Monitoring Your Results


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