4 Blog Posts You Can Write TODAY!

As someone who blogs professionally and personally, I know it’s not always easy to get inspired, to write on demand or to carve out time in your schedule to blog. (Here’s a confession: my manager has been asking me to write this post for over 4 months!)


Today, I want to give you some blog post ideas that you can start working on right away. These aren’t topics that will require hours of research – just a few moments of quiet to reflect upon your business.


Below are four questions that may provide you with the inspiration you need to write your next (or first!) blog post. In fact, you’ll probably be able to think of a handful of posts that would work for each of these topics, so get your pen and paper ready before you start reading. See how many topics you can jot down before you finish reading this article. With topics aplenty, it’ll be that much easier to roll up your sleeves, pull out the ol’ typewriter and get started.


As for the challenges of writing on demand and finding time in your schedule, you’re on your own. Or you can wait until my next instalment… in another 4 months.

#1: What questions are my prospective customers asking?

How many times have you turned to the internet to get the answer to a pressing question, learn about a new service or find the perfect product for your business or family? Your prospective customers are doing the exact same thing. When they start searching, we want them to find you.


Blogging is one of the best ways to connect with potential customers because it helps to establish you as an expert in your industry. Provide prospective customers with the answers to their most important questions, and they’ll begin to trust your ability to solve problems for them in the future.


Think about the kinds of questions your customers would ask – go ahead, do it now! Write them down and then think about how you would respond to these questions. If you’re stuck, find some forums where people are talking about topics in your industry. Browse through threads and tease out the most important, interesting or common questions on there. Bonus points: after you write your blog post, visit that thread again to give a brief response and a link to your post for more info!


#2. What questions are my existing customers asking?

Do you get asked the same question over and over? I’m not talking about the list of questions you’ve included in your FAQ section. I’m talking about the questions you hear in the shop, on the phone and over email – real questions from real people with real problems. Instead of fielding the questions as they come, try giving your customers the answers to their questions before they ask.


Identify your customers’ typical pain points and common questions. Go ahead and jot them down. Now, think about how you can address them through a blog post. Once you’ve written the post, you’ll have a quick response for anyone who asks the question in the future – but we’re betting that you’ll get fewer questions and more inquiries if you anticipate problems ahead of time!


#3. What have you accomplished lately? What are you proud of?

It’s good to mix things up. So if you’ve written a few informative, helpful posts, you could consider writing a post that shows off your hard work – go ahead, toot your own horn! While we don’t recommend writing too many self-promotional posts, an occasional one can be a great thing, especially if it’s demonstrating something your company has actively accomplished (your mum was right, actions do speak louder than words).


If you’ve gotten some great feedback from a customer, you could write a post about their story (ask their permission first or keep it general). Or perhaps you’re really proud of some work your company has recently completed. Share that story on your website. It will give prospective customers some insight into your business by showing them how you work and what you value.


#4. What challenges have you faced?

What challenges have you faced this year? Are there any of them that you feel comfortable sharing? Sharing something that you struggle with or that you find challenging in your line of work is another way to show the personal side of your business.


For example, anyone working in hospitality understands the doubled-edged sword of online reviews, but not all customers do. You could take some time to write about how a review has affected your business – whether positively or negatively. Business owners are humans too and it’s ok to let people see that.


Ready to start blogging?

I hope this post has given you a little shot of inspiration. Maybe you already have a few ideas rolling around that you can start working on today! If so, seize the moment and start writing.


I’d love to see what you come up with – feel free to share a link to your post in the comments area below or email me!


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